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events calendar

See all our events, fun rides, socials and the meet card. You can also book your place online.
Events calendar

Tumblers' Club

Own up to your unscheduled dismount, join the Tumblers' Club & check out this season's league table.
Tumblers' League Table

Hacking Harriers

The Hacking Harriers will hold one or two rides each week throughout the summer.
Events calendar

Hunt Officials


Barry Keating - 07891 736032


Mallowry Spens - 07766 662794


Dominic Coutts - 07951 555983
Charlotte Manser-Baines - 07980 691397
Val Sheehan - 07912 283565
Amanda Court - 07875 163730


Amy Hodges - 07854 550533
Lucy Thompson - 07809 499009


Matthew Vater - 07703 565332


Lewis Ryland


Fallen Stock

Matthew Vater - 07703 565332

Subs / Tickets / Visitors

Lucy Thompson - 07809 499009


Amy Hodges - 07854 550533

Hacking Harriers

Kim Andrews - 07785 545048


Amanda Court - 07875 163730

Hunt Relays

Pete Saunders - 07725 980585

East Kent Ride

Ellie Hutchison - 07921 223052


Should I plait, do I need a black coat and where should I ride in the field? For answers to all your questions, read our guide to etiquette.
Hunting etiquette


We are only as good as the worst person; don't be the one who lets us down. Read our policy for dealing with hunt saboteurs.
Dealing with antis


We expect everyone that comes out with us to have public liability insurance. Join the Countryside Alliance to receive insurance as well as supporting their campaigns.
Join the CA